On the Darkest Nights They Come - The Sky Warriors of Fenris
Hello to all
At long last I'm presenting you my longest project in works - The Sky Warriors of Fenris!
For 3 long years I've collected all models I could find and at last I've started painting my new Army
Here is my Njal Stormsson, the Tempest that Walks.
Also there is a perfect opportunity to participate in The Golden Bolter Painting Competition
by http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/
You can find my model in the Single Mini category Here

At long last I'm presenting you my longest project in works - The Sky Warriors of Fenris!
For 3 long years I've collected all models I could find and at last I've started painting my new Army
Here is my Njal Stormsson, the Tempest that Walks.
Also there is a perfect opportunity to participate in The Golden Bolter Painting Competition
by http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/
You can find my model in the Single Mini category Here