Wow! Not to ignore the fantastic paintjob on the model, but I love the flocking underneath. How did you do that, and what materials did you use to layer on the base?
Thank you. As basis for basing was used standard GW flying base. Then I glued some ordinary rocks and sand to it. After that - all was based in black and then painted. Later I've applied mix of static show, PVA glue and drop of very light blue paint. It MUST stay to dry at least 24 hours. After drying I applied gloss varnish and cover it with static show before it dried. After several hours all not glued static snow was removed from base. That's all
As basis for basing was used standard GW flying base. Then I glued some ordinary rocks and sand to it. After that - all was based in black and then painted. Later I've applied mix of static show, PVA glue and drop of very light blue paint. It MUST stay to dry at least 24 hours. After drying I applied gloss varnish and cover it with static show before it dried. After several hours all not glued static snow was removed from base.
That's all